Efforts for SDGs

What are SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals)?

SDGs In September 2015, the United Nations Summit agenda, "2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development," was adopted.
The 2030 Agenda set goals common to the international community from 2016 to 2030.
These goals, known as "Sustainable Development Goals" (SDGs), consist of 17 goal areas and 169 targets.

Efforts for SDGs

RAPAS considers SDGs to be a common challenge and social responsibility for the realization of a sustainable world society. For this reason, we are working on our business model to achieve SDGs throughout the company.

Business activities Main efforts of RAPAS Correspondence with SDGs
Research and development We aim to create healthy and fulfilled human lives and preserve the global environment by providing society with products and technologies that can prevent disease and contribute to the health of all people around the world. GOOD HEALTH AND WELL-BEING
Through improvements in resource utilization efficiency and the introduction of clean technology and environmentally friendly technologies, we are improving sustainability through infrastructure improvements and industrial improvements. INDUSTRY,INNOVATION AND INFRASTRUCTURE
Procurement and production We aim to achieve a high level of economic productivity through technology improvements and innovation. DECENT WORK AND ECONOMIC GROWTH
We are significantly reducing waste generation by preventing, reducing, and recycling waste, and protecting the peace and safety of the Earth. RESPONSIBLE CONSUMPTION AND PRODUCTION
Partnerships We value the spirit of "Working Together," and are strengthening global partnerships for sustainable development, addressing social challenges, and delivering greater and more sustainable results. PARTNERSHIPS FOR THE GOALS